What is sound practice
Sound Practice can be known by many different names. As well as Sound Practice, popular ones are Sound Healing, Sound Baths, Sound therapy, Sound energy, Gong Baths, Crystal Bowls. I like to call my sessions Sound Journeys as everyone will have a different experience when they receive the sound and no two experiences, even for the same person, will be identical. I do not heal you, I facilitate you in healing yourself.
I offer a comprehensive Sound Journey, which can include multiple instruments depending on the requirements of the clients. My approach is informal, positive, inclusive and sensitive towards my clients. During the session I will connect and set an intention with the client for the following experience before a brief verbal relaxation which leads into the Sound Journey.
Personal experiences during the Sound Journey vary enormously but can include deep relaxation, meditative states, the sensations of floating above and/or the sinking deeply into the ground, seeing colours, shapes, images, visions, spiritual connections, reduction or complete disappearance of pain and/or inflammation and much more.
Many people remain completely alert but in a relaxed state though their actual body can be very still. Similarly, some people’s bodies occasionally twitch releasing and shifting energy whilst others can fall asleep. Falling asleep still provides you with the same level of benefits as being awake because it is the whole of your body and every cell that receives the sound, not just through your ears and conscious present mind.
Another long term passion of mine is colour. For me, colour can affect my mood. It can calm, energise, uplift me depending on how I am feeling. Colour continues to be an integral part of me now in my Sound Journeys and often for my clients too.
Tibetan bowls are played with a mallet or rubber gong to produce beautiful tones to help induce relaxation and meditation.
These metal singing bowls, made from seven different metals, have origins from up to 6000 years ago.