Benefits of Sound sessions
When the brain is given a stimulus it sends out an electrical charge in response known as the cortical evoked response. By repeating the stimulus the brain will eventually synchronise the electrical cycles to the same rhythm being created. This is known as Frequency Following Response. Sound Practitioners work within the brainwave frequencies that are specifically known to trigger relaxation, deep meditation and transcendental states.
Benefits and potential outcomes of sound healing can include:
Triggering a relaxation response
Calm the central nervous system
Balance left and right hemispheres of the brain
Balance and harmonise mind and body
Improve sleep
Lessen anxieties
Reduce inflammation
Restore energy circulation
Increase focus and/or productivity
Improve physical, emotional health and well-being
Brainwave Frequency Hertz States
Gamma 25 – 100 Heightened awareness
Beta 13 - 24 Problem solving
Alpha 8 - 12 Relaxed reflection
Theta 4 - 7 Meditation, light sleep, creativity
Delta Up to 4 Deep, dreamless sleep
Humans are attuned to the magnetic field of the planet at 7.8 Hertz. Deep relaxation states can be reached within the Alpha and Theta frequencies.
There are many proven benefits from sound healing, using both natural and man made instruments. In keeping with my love of the natural world, several of my instruments and sounds are created from materials from the earth or natural objects.
In my own practice I have observed first hand deep relaxation, lowered stress levels, reduced anxiety, and reduction or disappearance of inflammation, increased happiness and improved sleep.