The growing science
Albert Einstein said that ‘everything in life is vibration’ and everything in the universe is a result of energy. Energy is a naturally vibrating substance whilst resonance is the quality in a sound of being deep, full and reverberating.
When somebody is in complete balance, they are said to be at ‘ease’. If a person becomes ill, tired, anxious then they become unbalanced and are in a state of ‘dis-ease’. Sound therapy aims to create healing resonance by bringing the sounds in tune with the natural vibrations of the person being treated.
Humans are also affected by the energy around us and from each other. Whatever the dominant energy is, your energy will naturally be pulled towards it whether someone is happy and buoyant or sad and depressed. This is known as entrainment. Within a session, sound practitioners are likely to be creating the dominant energy in the area surrounding their client/s. Therefore, every cell in your body will be entraining to the energy from the sounds created by the practitioner.
A sound wave is a vibration and a wave is how the sound travels. This occurs naturally all the time and cannot be stopped. Sound waves will change the energy in your body as they pass through it. This explains why some noises, or people, cause stress whilst others can be very relaxing.
The ear is not the only way our bodies receive sound. We absorb sound through our skin until it enters every cell in our bodies. Sound therapy therefore affects every part of our body and has enormous healing potential.
Leonard Laskell, a Doctor, carried out a series of tests on petri dishes containing cancer cells. He used his mind to send feelings and emotions to them. Those that were sent positive thoughts their rate of growth became impeded. This represents the importance on setting the correct format of Intention with a client.
Jonathan Goldman carried out research connected with the power of an Intention and the difference then adding Sound to this. He discovered that Intention, for healing, was just as important as the sounds for healing to occur. He produced the formula Frequency + Intention = Healing
Scientists have been documented as trialling and using sounds for medicinal purposes for many years. Aristotle observed how the flute aroused strong feelings in patients whilst Ancient Egyptians used chants to heal their sick.
Sound, in the form of the digeridoo in Australia, has been used for over 40000 years to help reduce mental and physical illnesses.