In the beginning
I’ve always been aware of sounds around me but since undertaking my own sound healing experiences I have become more tuned in to noises I can hear.
One of the first practical exercises I had to do when training was to sit or lie quietly for 20 minutes and ‘just’ listen to the sounds I could hear. I chose to do mine outdoors. I was surprised at how many different types of bird song I heard plus one off sounds too which I would probably have missed if I hadn’t been honing in to them. The drone of traffic became surprisingly calming whilst the wind catching in my sheets on the line was unexpectedly loud.
I then had to evaluate how these sounds had made me feel on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. I try to hold this in my mind to appreciate the present around me.
Today as I’m writing this I can hear sea gulls squawking, the sea against the rocks, machinery, drilling and more minutely a slow drip of water.
I highly recommend you give this a try. If nothing else it’s a mindful way of spending 20 minutes!